Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Recycle Your Green and Orange Antifreeze

Antifreeze is made up mainly of ethylene glycol removal, a derivative of natural gas. Old antifreeze can be distilled and filtered, after which, upon adding anti-rust, anti-leak, and detergent additives, you will have a product that is new and usable again. You will find that many auto facilities recycle antifreeze at their own site, so ask for recycled when the occasion arises. If they do not sell recycled antifreeze, ask them what the do with the fluids they remove from your car...

Old green antifreeze, or any, for that matter, should never be thrown down storm drains or into water supplies of any kind. This will damage the water quality, and can be extremely harmful to people, animals, and wildlife. It is illegal almost everywhere, and you can be fined huge amounts of money when caught doing so.

If you are a do-it-yourself when it comes to your car, there are guidelines you should follow:

1. Either recycle or dispose of all fluids safely
2. Do not dump fluids into drains, septic systems, ditches, sewers, trash or on the ground.
3. Keep your fluids separate. Mixing them together makes recycling difficult or impossible. For example, brake fluid, mixed with other fluids, creates hazardous waste which cannot be recycled.
4. Fluids should be placed in clean, leak-proof and sealed containers. Never use these containers again for food, drink or any other liquid.
5. Keep kids and animals away from these fluids at all times.

Eco green products is less expensive than virgin antifreeze. Using it will also save on natural gas, which is a non-renewable resource. So go "green" with car maintenance.

For more information visit here: Green and Orange Antifreeze |Green Friendly Products |Super Green Products